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Spirit Rising Scholarship Application (temporarily suspended)
To award scholarships, we take in a variety of factors in addition to financial need. Please answer the following questions and email to :
Spirit Rising is committed to providing opportunities to a wide audience including socio-economic or veteran status, race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation.
In 150 – 300 words, please describe how you will benefit from the training.
In 150 – 300 words, please describe how you will take this training back to your community. How will you use this training to inspire and reach a diverse population?
Please provide contact information as well as occupation.
Annual Household Income?
Total number in household?
Are you a dependent on someone else’s taxes?
Any extraordinary expenses, large debts or other circumstances that you would like us to consider?
Find out more now.
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Spirit Rising Yoga & Meditation
Teacher Training Course
8571 W. Grand River, Suite 1000
Brighton MI 48116
Call: (810) 220-8571